
My Blog is…

A space in which I share. Sharing what I’ve come across during more than 30 years of interest in meeting my mental wellbeing values. I’m humbled, that in this time of information glut, you would choose to read my tips, exercises, offers, and research finds. May this blog assist you as much as its supports my own wellbeing.


The roll outs of my workshops for M2.0 Mindfulness Works have begun well.  Participants returned to further their mindfulness practice and deepen their commitment to the wellness of conscious living.  These opportunities to practice in group setting are very precious.  In our city especially (for some unknown reason) its very difficult to get groups to run with consistent attendance. (I'm sure the geography of Auckland does help and traffic is, well - of Auckland proportions...)

The first week focuses on Intention. I'm deeply inspired by this element of practice.  As a 'recollective' prompt, the noting of Intention has helped me enormously.  

Week one's lesson was on Tuesday 13th February.  Giving rise to the potential for investigating 'intention' on the day of hearts - 14th February.  One of the participants shared this week how the 'loving deeply' intention she named had been tested when she did not receive a Valentine's text from her offshore lover.  Her reflections on her intention had a deep impact upon her experience.  I was prompted to 'recollect' my teacher's words: 

'A Tree by its Fruit'

You can always identify a tree by its fruit.

In the same way

You can always identify...

Your intentions by your experiences.

The brain's 'ON' switch for neuroplasticity engages when we note our intention.  Try it out - bring mindful attention to the motivation as you name your intended response.  Act in accordance with the clarity of intention.  We can not 'fix' anything in the world - not least of all ourselves (thankfully, since we would all be perfect and very boring, if we were fixable) but we can observe our part in the experience from a conscious stand point and in so much, have far more richness and growth with every 'piece of fruit' that grows.  I'm not suggesting we need have pure intentions, pious striving or perfect morality - I'm suggesting we bring our mindful observation and consciousness to the intentions we hold when we make a response to our living experience; thats the difference between a life lived on autopilot and a life of conviction and self-compassion.

Thanks to these teachers: Gary Zukav, Joseph Goldstein, Diane Mucho-Hamilton, and so many more...


Glenda Irwin